Senin, 20 Desember 2010

7 carrot for health benefits

From the beginning people are familiar with the health benefits of carrots, especially for eye health. It turned out that vegetables are known for the color orange and when the bite will taste sweet and crisp has a variety of health benefits, such as colds, bronchitis and asthma. Carrots can also help overcome digestive disorders such as constipation, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Drinking carrot juice on a regular basis can destroy kidney stones, uric acid and also reduces inflammation of the liver. Kompresan grated carrots to heal festering wounds, cut wounds and ulcers. Also added grated carrots with honey face mask can also be useful to soften the skin.

If you are not fond of this rabbit's favorite vegetable, you belong to a group of losers. Because, you lose the benefits provided many carrots for health. Here is a row of carrots that may benefit you have not seen before, following the procedure of presentation:
Overcoming Hypertension: Take 500 grams of carrots washed and cut into pieces, put some boiled water, then blend. Strain, and drink immediately. Try to drink water routine these carrots 3 times a day.

Overcoming fever in children; Take 200 grams of carrots and then wash clean. Grate and squeeze until the juice out. Feelings boiled water, drink while warm. (See also: 3 Recipes Herbs For Children Fever)

Overcoming burns; carrot until finely ground and applied on burns. Do it as often as possible until the wound is not hot.
Curing a cough; Take a carrot and then cleaned and grated. Give a few tablespoons of hot water and wring it out. Add a little palm sugar, stir until smooth. Drink 2 times a day.

Overcoming painful menstruation; 250 grams of carrots washed and cut into pieces. Add a little water, then lenders. Try to drink this potion at least 2 times a day.

Overcoming constipation; Take 2 young carrots then wash and grate. Add 2 tablespoons of boiled water and a little salt, then squeeze. Drinking water 2 times a day.

Smooth the face; Take 2-3 carrots peeled clean, then wash and grate. Then directly apply to the face as a mask. Wait until dry. Rinse.

Sprue causes and ways about it

Sprue disease, or known as stomatitis is a swelling or inflammation that occurs in the lining of the mouth mucosa. Areas that could be affected by canker sores including the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate. Also thrush can also cause bleeding, swelling and a red color.

Indeed, thrush is not a serious disease. But if you've got this one very uncomfortable because it so difficult to eat or even speak. How can so as not to be disturbed canker sores?
As quoted from Healthcentre, Saturday (27/3/2010) there are several things that can cause thrush, namely:

1. As a result of virusThrush is caused by some form of virus in the body, including special cases such as that caused fever in the gland, herpes and other oral diseases.

2. Due to bacteria.Sprue of this type usually likes to occur if a person suffers from a sore throat or other diseases caused by bacteria.

3. Due to fungi.Sprue This arises when a person has an immune system is very low or other health problems that may require the use of high doses of antibiotics.

4. Non-infection.The most general is the occurrence of recurrent sores in the mouth, although no known cause but usually disappear within 2 weeks. Thrush can also be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of vitamins, riboflavin, miacin and B12.

In addition to the four causes of the above, there are also other things that allegedly can cause thrush like less to maintain oral hygiene, the installation of braces or dentures as well as consumption of hot food or drink.
Care is taken to treat thrush is to find the source of the cause of canker sores. However regulate food intake can also help, such as avoiding foods or foods with crisp sharp taste. Try to use a soft toothbrush and keep the mouth and teeth health.
If you are a user of braces or dentures, then ask your doctor to check it when you're visiting to ensure that no significant problems.

Usually canker sores will go away by itself after 4 days, but if not go away should seek medical help, especially if caused by a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.
Actually, canker sores can be prevented by maintaining the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth well, examine your teeth regularly and to set good eating patterns by reducing the foods that can trigger irritation of the lining of the mouth mucosa.

In addition, prevention of canker sores can also be done by avoiding the occurrence of trauma or conflict, such as brushing your teeth gently, do not rush when chewing food, and do not talk while eating.

Apple for skin health benefits

Everyone must have known that apples contain many benefits to his health. However, if the benefits of apple skins may not yet widely known. What is clear is do not waste apple skin. The reason is simple, because the apple skins contain quercetin - a substance that is needed in order to increase the levels of antioxidants to prevent various diseases.

Results of research experts from Cornell University states that only apples, which have quercetin. It just means apple can provide antioxidants equivalent to 1.500mg vitamin c of fresh apple extract from a medium size apple.
Then the results of the study also shows, an apple is eaten every day can reduce cholesterol up to 10%. Substance fitokimianya function against free radicals and reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). And the high fiber, certainly able to withstand the coming hungry.
Meanwhile, Dr ity. Barry Sears in his book The Top 100 Zone Foods declare an apple is a remarkable fruit that can control blood sugar. "Apples are a source of soluble fiber well, especially pectin which helps insulin levels, memperlambatpengeluaran sugar into the bloodstream. Pectin also mampui reduce cholesterol levels by reducing insulin spending," he explained.

All results were, in fact has been proven since the time of mythology. At that time, the apple has been associated with healing diseases of the god Apollo. According to the physician Hippocrates and Galen, the habit of eating apples is very beneficial for digestion. That's because the apples that had eaten were mushrooming, and the effect is very good for digestion.

This is 8 ussage banana to know

Apparently a lot of goodness and health benefits of bananas. There are 8 properties of bananas for your body. Are all? Starting from the help lower blood pressure, to keep blood sugar levels. Certainly, consumption and do not overlook the banana.
This is ...


1. Bananas are good source of potassium, because 100 grams of bananas containing 400 grams of potassium. Just a reminder, potassium is a nutrient that can help lower blood pressure, energy supply, helps muscle growth and prevent muscle cramps.

2. Eight amino acids-molecules that form the protein contained a banana. It takes the body, because the body can not produce it.

3. Twenty-three million bananas consumed by the male and female tennis player in the Wimbledon tennis tournament every year. Understandably, it has a high energy source.

4. Diarrhea can be cured only by mangkonsumsi bananas have brown spots on her skin. For, no pectin, potassium and magnesium it contains.

5. Banana able to recover stamina, because bananas replace potassium lost from the body. Also bananas are also able to relieve pain, reduce nausea, and reduce the high levels of magnesium, which helps relieve headaches and blood circulation melancarakan.

6. Banana skin has more benefits in the tropics, should Indonesia. Itching and swelling mosquito bite can be removed by simply rubbing the skin.

7. Two bananas a day can reduce the high pressure up to 10 percent. That's according to a study of doctors in India.

8. Bananas contain three sugars: fructose, sucrose, glucose and have more carbohydrates as well as well as important compared to other fruit. Sugar entering the stream flow direction with different speeds that can keep sugar levels and avoiding energy crashes.