Senin, 20 Desember 2010

7 carrot for health benefits

From the beginning people are familiar with the health benefits of carrots, especially for eye health. It turned out that vegetables are known for the color orange and when the bite will taste sweet and crisp has a variety of health benefits, such as colds, bronchitis and asthma. Carrots can also help overcome digestive disorders such as constipation, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Drinking carrot juice on a regular basis can destroy kidney stones, uric acid and also reduces inflammation of the liver. Kompresan grated carrots to heal festering wounds, cut wounds and ulcers. Also added grated carrots with honey face mask can also be useful to soften the skin.

If you are not fond of this rabbit's favorite vegetable, you belong to a group of losers. Because, you lose the benefits provided many carrots for health. Here is a row of carrots that may benefit you have not seen before, following the procedure of presentation:
Overcoming Hypertension: Take 500 grams of carrots washed and cut into pieces, put some boiled water, then blend. Strain, and drink immediately. Try to drink water routine these carrots 3 times a day.

Overcoming fever in children; Take 200 grams of carrots and then wash clean. Grate and squeeze until the juice out. Feelings boiled water, drink while warm. (See also: 3 Recipes Herbs For Children Fever)

Overcoming burns; carrot until finely ground and applied on burns. Do it as often as possible until the wound is not hot.
Curing a cough; Take a carrot and then cleaned and grated. Give a few tablespoons of hot water and wring it out. Add a little palm sugar, stir until smooth. Drink 2 times a day.

Overcoming painful menstruation; 250 grams of carrots washed and cut into pieces. Add a little water, then lenders. Try to drink this potion at least 2 times a day.

Overcoming constipation; Take 2 young carrots then wash and grate. Add 2 tablespoons of boiled water and a little salt, then squeeze. Drinking water 2 times a day.

Smooth the face; Take 2-3 carrots peeled clean, then wash and grate. Then directly apply to the face as a mask. Wait until dry. Rinse.

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