Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Sprue causes and ways about it

Sprue disease, or known as stomatitis is a swelling or inflammation that occurs in the lining of the mouth mucosa. Areas that could be affected by canker sores including the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate. Also thrush can also cause bleeding, swelling and a red color.

Indeed, thrush is not a serious disease. But if you've got this one very uncomfortable because it so difficult to eat or even speak. How can so as not to be disturbed canker sores?
As quoted from Healthcentre, Saturday (27/3/2010) there are several things that can cause thrush, namely:

1. As a result of virusThrush is caused by some form of virus in the body, including special cases such as that caused fever in the gland, herpes and other oral diseases.

2. Due to bacteria.Sprue of this type usually likes to occur if a person suffers from a sore throat or other diseases caused by bacteria.

3. Due to fungi.Sprue This arises when a person has an immune system is very low or other health problems that may require the use of high doses of antibiotics.

4. Non-infection.The most general is the occurrence of recurrent sores in the mouth, although no known cause but usually disappear within 2 weeks. Thrush can also be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of vitamins, riboflavin, miacin and B12.

In addition to the four causes of the above, there are also other things that allegedly can cause thrush like less to maintain oral hygiene, the installation of braces or dentures as well as consumption of hot food or drink.
Care is taken to treat thrush is to find the source of the cause of canker sores. However regulate food intake can also help, such as avoiding foods or foods with crisp sharp taste. Try to use a soft toothbrush and keep the mouth and teeth health.
If you are a user of braces or dentures, then ask your doctor to check it when you're visiting to ensure that no significant problems.

Usually canker sores will go away by itself after 4 days, but if not go away should seek medical help, especially if caused by a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.
Actually, canker sores can be prevented by maintaining the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth well, examine your teeth regularly and to set good eating patterns by reducing the foods that can trigger irritation of the lining of the mouth mucosa.

In addition, prevention of canker sores can also be done by avoiding the occurrence of trauma or conflict, such as brushing your teeth gently, do not rush when chewing food, and do not talk while eating.

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